GIA Today

The General Intelligence Agency of Mongolia is a unified organization of various intelligence services, which provide intelligence assessments to policy makers regarding threats to our national security. The General Intelligence Agency is part of the Mongolian Government. The Director is appointed by the Prime Minister, with consultation with the President, for 6 year term.

On top of foreign, counter, military, and border intelligence functions, the GIA has variety of other responsibilities, which includes economic security, counter terrorism, physical protection of Government offices and high level public officials, as well as integrity of State secret and communication system. The duties and powers of the Agency are clearly stated in the Law on Intelligence Organization, and the Law on Intelligence Operations.

In addition to intelligence gathering and dissemination, the GIA actively fights, through its Investigation Department, specific types of crimes, starting from high treason and extremism to contraband or money-laundering.

A centennial history of development and devotion forges us into a dynamic and professional organization, which seeks to better itself to meet the challenges of tomorrow in its task to safeguard our Nation.