High-Level Inter-Regional Conference on ‘Whole-of society Approach’ to Prevent and Countering Violent Extremisn and Radicalization that lead to Terrorism is organized in Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia, from 20 to 21 June.
During the conference, the Director of the NCTCC and GIA, colonel D.Gerel had a working meeting with Muhammad Shah, head of the Policy Division of the UN's Office of Counter-Terrorism, Thomas Greminger, Secretary General of the OSCE, Jumakhon Giyosov, Director of the Executive Committee of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
At the meeting, our country talked about the multilateral cooperation with the OSCE, including the prevention of terrorism, terrorism financing, the promotion of human rights and ensuring the security of essential infrastructure. In addition, the issues were highlighted in three areas: terrorism, illegal drug trafficking, money laundering and terrorism financing. Specifically:
Cooperate, as well as confirm our request on issues such as cooperation with EU agencies responsible for countering illicit drug trafficking, support in obtaining necessary analysis equipment and detecting narcotics and psychotropic substances, support in establishing DNA analysis laboraty. Also, exchange information on these issues, regularly organize training for our officers and vitalize collaboration on cambatting transnational organized crime.
In collaboration with UN officer for Counter-Terrorism, international researchers, scientists, specialists, OSCE members, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, National Counter-Terrorism Coordinative Council prevent and counter violent extremism and radicalization that leads to terrorism by ‘Whole of society Approach’, discuss challenges and experiences regarding the developing of effective policies, promote dialogue and cooperation between countires.
Express achieving results and concrete measures taken by Mongolia regarding Money laundering and terrorism financing, including improvinf legal environment, in cooperation with The Bank of Mongolia, the Financial Regulatory Commission, the General Prosecutor's Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs. Reached an agreement on information and experience exchange regarding money laundering and terrorism financing, illegal drug trafficking, work closely on investigation transnational organized crime.
POSTED: 2019-10-24